Services Description
We strive to assist you in your journey of exploring your beliefs, feelings, and behaviors and help you find your sense of self. Our desire is for you to grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and inspire change and improve the quality of your life.
Individual Therapy
During individual sessions, your coach or therapist will develop a safe environment to help your explore your story and assist you with writing the rest of your story the way you envision. With collaborative effort, we will develop strategies to help you rethink your behavioral patterns and try new techniques. Individual sessions is an intimate relationship that fosters hope, love and growth.
Couples/Polygyny Counseling
Premarital counseling is offered to couples who are thinking of getting married. Different topics will be discussed to evaluate compatibility. Topics will range from financial, family, and lifestyle.
Couples counseling is a useful investment that help reestablish and develop intimacy.” It can be difficult for people to talk about something this personal, but we strive to guide the couple to a fulfilling connection.
Support and therapeutic groups
What is group therapy and what is its purpose?
Support group provides a safe and judgment free place where you come together with others to share problems or concerns, to better understand your own situation, and to learn from and with each other. Under the guidance of a coach, you will learn about yourself and improve your relationships with other people.
Where Faith Meets Mental Health, we provide woman’s support groups and adolescent support groups.
Coaching is not therapy. The main purpose of coaching is to maximize performance by helping a client reach their peak potential. Coaching involves developing leadership, creating self-discipline, building a self-belief system, creating motivation, and improving self-awareness.
Executive Coaching
Companies hire executive coaches to help develop the abilities of their high-potential team members, while also helping to address behavior among top-level executives that may be derailing the success of an organization. The goal of coaching is to equip leadership with the knowledge they need to develop themselves and become more effective leaders.
By participating in executive coaching experiences, your leaders will gain increased self-awareness, a drive for transformational change, and a renewed sense of opportunity. Coaching can improve performance in key ways, by providing a greater understanding of supervision and motivate others to perform effectively in the organizational. We enhanced staff ability to communicate effectively and coach others. Our coaches provide critical support and feedback to help leaders set goals, create action plans, and enhance performance.
Therapy Popup
Hire us for a therapy pop-up event. We provide workshops where we utilize psycho-educational techniques to teach different life skills such as communication, problem solving, and self-care. Workshops that are provided: 1. Self-care/wellness. 2. Emotional Intelligence. 3. What is Therapy? Try out therapy. Chose one of our coaches to provide a 30 minute 1 on 1 session. Explore things that are on your mind. Our coaches specializes in methods to help with stress, anxiety, and life transitions.